Chad Michael Interview – 50 States (Texas)

June, 2018
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Image © The Interviewee

Chad Michael – “Although Texas culture is not apparent in my work – it influences my mindset”

This week Creative Chair is in Dallas, Texas, where we’re talking with Chad Michael, a designer with a penchant for packaging.

Chad produces deliciously intricate designs, many of which you may recognise from alcoholic beverages. We find out more in this 36th edition of our 50 States series.

You can see a lot more work from Chad Michaels on Behance.

Saint Benevolence Rum

Tell us a little bit more about yourself and what you do

My name is Chad Michael and I run a design studio in Dallas, Texas that specializes in package design. The studio is quite selective about the type of work it takes on, as it has to be due to size, and focuses almost solely on spirit and alcohol package design.

Although spirit design is not the only category I’ve sunk my teeth into, others include playing card, cigar, and cannabis design, but beverage design is the one that is the constant.


“It’s a huge goal of mine to not regurgitate the same style and thinking over and over ”

Makers Playing Cards

The love for custom typography, detail, and rich concept runs deep in my work. I’m a true believer in that if the design does not tell a story which the consumer is eager to learn more about then I’ve not done my job properly.

Lightfoot and Wolfville Terroir Series

How has your state influenced the work that you do?

Texas has been home since birth other than a 4-year stint in New York working for several larger design firms. It is a beautiful landscape of infinite grassy fields, deeply rooted trees, and an unforgiving summer sun.

Although Texas culture is not apparent in my work – it influences my mindset. The silence and lush scenery help me clear my mind and ultimately aids me in becoming a less stressed individual.

Almanac 2016 Grand Cru

Of your own work, what is your favourite project and why?

This is of course a tough question. It’s a huge goal of mine to not regurgitate the same style and thinking over and over so each project holds something different for me to be proud of.

Although I do want to provide an answer here so at the moment, from work in the studio’s current portfolio, I put Promineo Whiskey on a personal pedestal. This was actually one of my first designs completed under the studio which open over 4 years ago.

The 132nd 366 Award goes to Chad Michael for his outstanding creative work.

Promineo Whiskey

It was a promotional piece that I sent to over to 300 various clients and publications in order to come out swinging. There is a lot of my innate personal aesthetic within that piece.

Promineo Whiskey Detail

And finally, if you died and got reincarnated as a song, what would that song be?

Harry Belafonte – Jump in the Line

Jump in the Line"
Jump in the Line (1961)
Harry Belafonte
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What began as a fun question to end an interview, has now become a wonderfully eclectic collaborative playlist by 161 people (and counting).
Texas with Chad Michael
Our Forest