Todd Lee Interview – 50 States (Alabama)

March, 2017
Reading Time
4.5 mins
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Image © The Interviewee

Todd Lee – “Alabama for me means a slow pace with lots of natural beauty.”

This week Creative Chair is with Todd Lee in Alabama where we’re bringing you the second edition of our ’50 States’ series.

Todd Lee is a multidiscipline artist who came to our attention when we discovered what at first appeared to be traditional landscape oil paintings but were in fact drawn using Adobe Sketch on his phone!

Be sure to check out more work from Todd Lee on Behance and his website.

Big Cove Barn Alabama
created on the iPhone7 plus with Adobe Sketch

Tell us a little bit more about yourself and what you do

My name is Todd Lee, and I work professionally as a CG artist specialising in Environment creation using 3D software and Adobe products. My background is in traditional Oil Painting and mostly landscape work. I am very interested in the intersection of CG and traditional art, using the techniques of the old masters but utilising the newest technology. The concept of sketching and painting on my phone was just a natural step, and the software available to do so is just mind-blowing. Adobe Photoshop Sketch has been a favourite of mine recently.

The 63rd 366 Award goes to Todd Lee for his outstanding creative work.

Bierstadts Sierra Nevada
Created using 3DSMax and Vue

How has Alabama influenced the work that you do?

Living in Alabama for me means a slow pace with lots of natural beauty. I really try to capture the magic of what we see here on a daily basis but probably take for granted. We have dramatic skies and wide open spaces. We have mountains and old barns, and abandoned cottages and beat up trucks. We have cotton fields and Weeping Willows and long summer days. This is Alabama!

Big Cove by Todd Lee of Alabama. Created on the iPhone7 plus with Adobe Sketch
Big Cove by Todd Lee. Created on the iPhone7 plus with Adobe Sketch

Of your own work, what is your favourite project and why?

My favourite work is always my most recent. It is always what is fresh in my mind and has my attention. Each piece is a learning process, and in my mind, an improvement from the last.

If you died and got reincarnated as a song, what would that song be?

“Ocean Size” by Janes Addiction.

Ocean Size"
Ocean Size (1988)
Jane's Addiction
Play on Apple Music
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What began as a fun question to end an interview, has now become a wonderfully eclectic collaborative playlist by 161 people (and counting).
Alabama with Todd Lee
Our Forest