Sean Mcclintock talks about the illustration industry

September, 2014
Reading Time
3 mins
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Image © The Interviewee

The New York based creative Sean Mcclintock has amassed an impressive portfolio of work and clients

Working in the fields of design, illustration, animation and art direction, Sean Mcclintock has exhibited a unique visual style throughout a range of projects for some diverse and high profile clients. In this interview, we caught up with Sean to find out a little more about his work and process.


Sean Mcclintock, you have a unique style, how would you describe this style and how did you arrive at it?

I try to think of my style as being fluid and in service to the message I’m trying to put across. For one project it might be graphic simplicity and the next a macaroni art explosion. I like to have the flexibility to follow my instinct, wherever it takes me, and to not feel like I need to make sure that everything feels like it was cut from the same cloth.

“I’m proud of the end result and how well everyone performed under pressure.”

Graph Zeplin

Tell us about a project that you’re particularly proud of and why

The Martin Monza project I recently completed with Ben Hill at Not to Scale was a really fun one. From day one it was something special, a great brief, a smart brand, a talented and fun team, and the freedom to create something special. I’m proud of the end result and how well everyone performed under pressure.

Martini Monza

Martini Monza

Is there anyone who particularly inspires you from within the creative industry?

Too many to count! I’m very thankful to have had the opportunity to work with tremendously talented artists and am inspired by so many of them. Particularly the ones who find a way to strike a balance between pouring everything they have into creating amazing work and having a life outside of work.

“The idea that there’s so much great work being produced every day that will never see the light of day seems like such a waste.”

Of Stars and Alligators

What is your biggest frustration from working within this industry?

Coming from interactive design the process of pitching for work was new to me. The idea that there’s so much great work being produced every day that will never see the light of day seems like such a waste.


What are you working on at the moment?

I’m getting ready to start on character-driven illustration project at Psyop that I’m really excited about.

Nick Summer

And finally, if you died and were reincarnated as a song, what would that song be?

Ha! Great question. Let’s go with Tom Waits – I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

I Don't Wanna Grow Up"
I Don't Wanna Grow Up (1992)
Tom Waits
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What began as a fun question to end an interview, has now become a wonderfully eclectic collaborative playlist by 161 people (and counting).
Sean Mcclintock
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