August Udoh – “the energy and the vibe here is incredible”

May, 2017
Reading Time
4.5 mins
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Image © The Interviewee

We talk photography with August Udoh

This week Creative Chair is in Lagos, Nigeria, where we’re talking to photographer/filmmaker August Udoh.

You can see more from August on his website.

Flood Victim

Hi, August. Firstly, could you tell us a little bit more about yourself and what you do?

My name is August Udoh, and I am from West Africa Nigeria. I am a photographer based here in Lagos Nigeria. I love the city for the same reason I hate it; the energy and the vibe here is incredible.



How did you get into photography and why do you call yourself an ‘amateur’ photographer?

I think when I tell myself that every day, it helps me learn new things and now am learning to edit my own movies and script writing.

The 81st 366 Award goes to August Udoh for his outstanding creative work.


I’ve always wanted to make films ever since I could remember, so after university, I couldn’t afford to go to film school, so a friend advised that I study under another filmmaker and learn from him or her.


One filmmaker stood out, so I contacted him on Facebook and asked to meet. So, he advised I start with photography and also that photographers make good filmmakers that I don’t have to understudy anyone and the rest is history.


You express a particular interest in the human face. As a photographer, what is it about the face that you find so profound?

The fact that you can tell what region a person is from and what they have been through by just looking at the face; it’s fascinating.

August Udoh Face

Which of your projects are you most proud of and why?

I don’t have any one. I have not updated my website in in over two years now…been making films now and I find it interesting

Flood Victim

Flood Victim

And finally, if you died and got reincarnated as a song, what would that song be?

I think that should be Samiga by Salif Keita

Samiga (2009)
Salif Keita
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What began as a fun question to end an interview, has now become a wonderfully eclectic collaborative playlist by 161 people (and counting).
August Udoh
Our Forest