Another Collective – “branding can sell success or be the death of a business”

October, 2014
Reading Time
4.5 mins
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Image © The Interviewees

Five people in Portugal doing cool stuff with pixels

Another Collective is a small design studio based in Matosinhos that has been responsible for a plethora of original and creative work that has proved popular with clients and fellow creatives. We caught up with them to find out a little more about their work.

Another Collective

Firstly, tell us a little about Another Collective, how it got started and the work you do?

Another Collective was founded in 2012 and until now it has been a project in constant mutation. What started as a multidisciplinary project that consisted of various areas of Design, changed to a project that focusses solemnly on Communication Design/Graphic Design.

At the moment at the studio, we are five people, but we are in constant collaboration with other designers.

“we like to think and treat each project as a new challenge and a new possibility to explore in a conceptual and graphic level”

Print Design

Would you say that your work has a particular visual style and if so how did that style come about?

Each project is analysed at a conceptual level, in its initial phase, which is the pivotal point of each work, the projects style comes from the concept defined and solid.

We always pay attention to some factors, mainly on a typographic level, but we like to think and treat each project as a new challenge and a new possibility to explore in a conceptual and graphic level.

“In summary, branding can sell success, or be the death of a business”

Print Design

Why is branding important for business?

In our opinion, for a company to be well succeeded, they need to show reliability and trust to its potential customers.

The image (branding) is a fundamental piece in those two aspects. We think bad branding may be as harmful as a bad product or a bad corporate positioning.

In summary, branding can sell success, or be the death of a business.

Santo Project

Which project are you most proud of and why?

Until now the project that was the most rewarding has to be the Baldoria branding. Not only because of the project as per say, but because of the connections that were made (one of the positive aspects of our work, without any doubt, is meeting new people almost every day). This project was done on a tightrope, due to time and budgets, but in the end, we think we managed a positive final result.


The 26th 366 Award goes to Another Collective for their outstanding creative work.


Could you offer any advice to our readers who are hoping to work within a similar creative field?

There “right” advice doesn’t exist, what might work in certain situations with us might not work in other similar situations.

What we can say is that the recognition of our work came months of hard work later, always with the same thought in our mind to do the best we could do.

Always keeping a special attention to detail and the search of new solutions or reformulation of what we think can still be explored.

And finally, if you died and were reincarnated as a song, what would that song be?

Just like our projects, we would have a different music every day, so maybe we would reincarnate into something different every day!

If you ask us today, the music would be Stoopid by Buraka Som Sistema.

Stoopid (2014)
Buraka Som Sistema
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What began as a fun question to end an interview, has now become a wonderfully eclectic collaborative playlist by 161 people (and counting).
Another Collective
Our Forest